

Knowledge Business Package

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What you know is a lot more valuable than what you get paid per hour to do. While some people break their backs working an entire month to earn a salary of 30k, others are earning that and more in a single day just by selling their knowledge, skills and expertise. 

If you've never made more than $300 in a day, without having to actively exchange your time for it, you'll likely live life thinking it's Impossible to earn that amount. 

This membership is designed to change how you think about your time in relationship to money. You've probably heard it said that "time is money." It's not true. 

That's one of the biggest lies told to people so that they can exchange their lives for pennies at a job that breaks their back. 

Think about it this way, if I asked you whether you wanted $1 million, you'd take it in a heartbeat. 

But, if you found out that you had a terminal illness that only meant you had a short time to live, you'd spend all that money on treatment if it meant you could get more time to live.

You can always make more money. But you can never make more time. The sooner you learn to detach your income from your time the better. 

Hard work is great. But the hardest workers often make the least. Visit any construction site and you'll see some of the hardest working people. Unfortunately, they are also the least paid. And quite often, most impoverished people. 

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the world has changed. People are going to college, and universities but many of them are graduating without a job for years. 

Even Harvard law school is today producing many lawyers who end up working at McDonald's after spending thousands of dollars on a degree. 

Graduands are frustrated. And many are burning their degrees in protest. 

In Kenya alone, more than 5 million people are unemployed as of the year 2020. And that number only gets bigger. 

Many of the unemployed are young graduates with certificates and more degrees than a thermometer. But still, they have nothing to show for it financially.  

The problem with formal education is that you have people teaching things they don't practice. 

For example, you'll have a business lecturer teaching entrepreneurship, and yet they've never started any business in their lives. They're only good at regurgitating information. 

The training is more theoretical than it is practical. And nobody teaches you how to practically maneuver through the hurdles and monetize your skills. 

Because of this, big companies like Google and even Facebook are no longer requiring a college degree for several positions. 

People are switching from formal learning to digital learning from experts in the field. And the knowledge commerce industry is estimated to be worth  approximately $331 Billion by 2025. 

And there's a huge chunk of pie in that amount for you. Don't worry if you feel like you don't think you know anything people would want to learn about. 

There's several ways to monetize your knowledge. You only need to be one step ahead of anyone who is trying to learn something. 


Think back to your school days. There's that one student who knew mathematics better than anyone else. 

The teacher would even refer other students to them. But, that student was never a teacher. They were also still in the learning process. 

This means anyone can make an income with knowledge of commerce in multiple ways. We'll show you the various business models. 

And even equip you with the tools you need to package your courses, ebooks and training like a proper business. 


One of the best things about the industry is that at some point, you can have affiliates doing the selling on your behalf. This means once you create a product. And you get to sit back and watch the money coming in. 


Have you ever heard about passive income? Don't let anyone lie to you. Passive income is a real thing. But, It's when you make money passively after putting in some work in the beginning. And that's what we are here to help you do. 

The future of learning is digital. And the only thing standing in your way of making a full-time income in multiple ways is lacking the right information and mentorship to achieve your financial goals. 

Here's the Value You Get: 


  1. Access to both Membership A and Membership B along with all the perks of each of those memberships 
  2. Publish & sell your own eBooks and courses on the platform 
  3. How to create and sell an online course step-by-step  
  4. How to create and sell ebooks and digital information products to make passive income while leveraging an online community 
  5. Affiliate Marketing feature to help you market your courses and ebooks through affiliates 
  6. One on one sessions on how to create your online knowledge business 
  7. Digital Marketing training for promotion of your knowledge business and online brand 
  8. Become a Tech-Hood affiliate and earn 50% in commissions when you refer new learners to our memberships and courses 



  • Psychological tools and training to shape your mindset for success and reprogram your limiting beliefs about money. 
  • A Digital Online Business Plan Overview That you can use to create your online business in any online business (Downloadable)
  • Mindset, planner & Goals Worksheet (Downloadable)
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